Its delta plc cpu dvp28sv11r2 is a programmable logic controller. It is manufactured by Delta PLC. The origin of the delta plc cpu dvp28sv11r2 is from China. The Delta PLC is basically is used in Industry for the purpose of the Industrial Automation system. There is needed for this Delta PLC programmable logic controller to controlling the machine .The Delta PLC has 4 sets of 200 kHz pulse output. It supports a maximum of 4 hardware 200 kHz high-speed counters. The Delta Programmable Logic The controller increases many motion control instructions to fulfill the applications that require high-speed and high exactness positioning. It provides linear/arc interpolation motion control.
Product Specifications:
Model: DVP28SV11R2
Series: SV2 series
Power Supply Voltage: 24V DC
Number of Input: 16
Type of Input: Digital
Number of Output: 12
Communication: Ethernet
Memory Capacity: 12K
Inrush Current: Max. 2.2A
Fuse Capacity: 2.5A/30VDC
Power Consumption: 6W
Noise Immunity:
ESD: 8kV Air Discharge
EFT: Power Line: 2kV, Digital I/O: 1kV
Analog & Communication I/O: 1kV
Damped-Oscillatory Wave: Power Line: 1kV, Digital I/O: 1kV
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